The Health Benefits of a Clean Home: A Spotless Sanctuary for Well-being

A clean home is not just a visually pleasing space; it plays a crucial role in promoting overall health and well-being. Beyond the aesthetic appeal, maintaining a clean and organized living environment contributes significantly to physical and mental health. In this blog, we will explore the various ways in which a clean home can positively impact your health.

  1. Respiratory Health: One of the most evident benefits of a clean home is improved respiratory health. Dust, allergens, and pollutants tend to accumulate in dirty and cluttered spaces, triggering respiratory issues such as asthma and allergies. Regular cleaning, including dusting, vacuuming, and proper ventilation, helps reduce the presence of these irritants, creating a healthier indoor air quality.
  2. Reduced Allergies: Dust mites, pet dander, and mold are common allergens that thrive in unclean environments. A clean home minimizes the risk of allergies by eliminating these triggers. Regular cleaning practices, such as washing bedding, vacuuming carpets, and cleaning air ducts, contribute to a significant reduction in allergen exposure.
  3. Prevention of Illness: Germs and bacteria can thrive on surfaces in a dirty home, increasing the likelihood of illness. Regular cleaning with disinfectants helps prevent the spread of infections and contagious diseases. High-touch surfaces like doorknobs, light switches, and kitchen counters should be regularly sanitized to create a hygienic living space.
  4. Mental Well-being: A clean and organized home can have a positive impact on mental health. Clutter and messiness can contribute to stress and anxiety. On the contrary, a tidy living space promotes a sense of order and control, leading to reduced stress levels. The act of cleaning itself can be therapeutic, providing a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
  5. Improved Sleep Quality: A clean and serene bedroom environment is conducive to better sleep quality. Regularly washing bedding, vacuuming the mattress, and maintaining a clutter-free sleeping space contribute to a more relaxing atmosphere. Quality sleep is essential for overall health and well-being.
  6. Enhanced Productivity: A clutter-free workspace in your home can significantly boost productivity and focus. A clean and organized environment reduces distractions and allows for better concentration. Whether you work from home or engage in various activities, a tidy space fosters a more efficient and productive mindset.

The benefits of maintaining a clean home extend far beyond aesthetics. A clean living environment contributes to improved respiratory health, reduced allergies, illness prevention, enhanced mental well-being, improved sleep quality, and increased productivity. Making cleaning a regular part of your routine is an investment in your health and the well-being of everyone in your household. Embrace the positive impact of a clean home for a healthier and happier life.

The Ultimate Guide to Prepping Your Home Before Dinner Guests Arrive

Hosting dinner guests at your home is a delightful experience that allows you to share good food and great company. To ensure a seamless and enjoyable evening for both you and your guests, it’s essential to prepare your home in advance. From creating a warm ambiance to organizing your space efficiently, this guide will walk you through the steps of prepping your home before dinner guests arrive.

  1. Clean and Declutter: Start by giving your home a thorough clean. Tidy up living spaces, vacuum carpets, and wipe down surfaces. Pay extra attention to the areas where your guests will spend the most time, such as the living room, dining area, and bathroom. Decluttering not only enhances the visual appeal of your home but also creates a more comfortable atmosphere.
  2. Set the Mood with Lighting: Proper lighting can significantly influence the ambiance of your home. Consider using warm-toned bulbs or candles to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Dim the lights slightly for a more intimate setting during dinner. If you have outdoor spaces, make sure they are well-lit for guests arriving in the evening.
  3. Choose the Right Music: Select a playlist that complements the mood you want to set for the evening. Soft background music can enhance the dining experience, while livelier tunes may be suitable for a more casual gathering. Ensure that the volume is set at a level where guests can comfortably engage in conversation.
  4. Create a Welcoming Entrance: The first impression sets the tone for the evening. Make sure your entrance is clean and welcoming. Consider adding a decorative touch, such as a seasonal wreath or a doormat with a warm greeting. Clear any clutter from the entryway to provide a smooth transition into your home.
  5. Organize Seating Arrangements: Plan your seating arrangements to ensure that everyone has a comfortable and convenient place to sit during dinner. If you have a formal dining table, set it with your best dinnerware and utensils. For more casual gatherings, arrange comfortable seating options such as cushions or additional chairs.
  6. Stock Up on Essentials: Check that you have all the necessary items for the evening, including dinnerware, glassware, and cutlery. Stock up on beverages, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, and ensure you have enough for everyone. Consider having a variety of options to cater to different preferences.
  7. Plan the Menu and Prep Ahead: Choose a menu that suits your guests’ preferences and dietary restrictions. Whenever possible, prepare dishes in advance to minimize last-minute stress. Having a well-thought-out menu allows you to focus on hosting rather than spending excessive time in the kitchen during the event.
  8. Provide Comfortable Seating and Cozy Touches: Make your guests feel at home by providing comfortable seating arrangements. Add cushions or throws to chairs and sofas for extra comfort. Consider creating a cozy corner with blankets and pillows where guests can relax after the meal.

By taking the time to prep your home before dinner guests arrive, you set the stage for a memorable and enjoyable evening. From creating a welcoming entrance to organizing seating arrangements and setting the right ambiance, thoughtful preparation ensures that both you and your guests can relax and savor the shared experience of a delicious meal in a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Photo by Kelsey Chance on Unsplash

How To Clean and Care For Your Dishwasher

Is your dishwasher not preforming like it used to? Do you have to pre-wash your dishes before loading them?

Did you know that the machine you use to clean your dishes actually needs to be cleaned itself?

It does not take long and it will improve the effectiveness of your dishwasher tremendously. Set a reminder on your calendar and add it into your monthly home maintenance tasks.

How to clean your Dishwasher…

  1. Clear the Drain – Simply remove the bottom rack and clean out any leftover food/debris around the drain. This step alone will make a HUGE difference in the machines effectiveness.
  2. Fill a coffee mug with WHITE Vinegar and place it on the top rack of your dish washer. Run the dishwasher on the normal cycle with HOT water.

That’s it. Yup, it is that simple.

Now go back to enjoying the beautiful outdoors in Colorado or cozy up on the couch binge watching your new favorite show on Netflix.

Much love,

Ashley Matuska

5 Critical Points To Sanitize Regularly

Life gets busy and cleaning your home can easily get put on the back burner. Keeping the spread of germs down goes a long way in the health and happiness of your family and guests!

Make sure to wipe down these 5 Critical touch points in the home that will help to greatly reduce the spread of germs!

  1. Door Knobs/Handles/Push Plates
  2. Light Switches
  3. Cabinet Handles/Knobs (Kitchen/Bathroom/Laundry Room/Mud Room/Appliances)
  4. Sink Faucets
  5. Electronic Devices (Cell Phone/Tablets/Keyboard & Mouse)

Denver’s premier house cleaning service Dashing Maids sanitize these touchpoints and many other in your home EVERY single cleaning. Check this and many other cleaning tasks off your to-do list with a quick call or email.



5 Tricks for Keeping Your House Tidy (even if you live with kids, pets, and a not so helpful spouse).

Follow these 5 easy steps to keep your home in (near) mint condition throughout the week without much effort!

  1. Wash Every Dish, Every Time

Do your best to not leave dirty dishes to build up in the kitchen or around the house. Dishes can pile up quickly, especially with our busy lives these days. Washing them before they have hours to harden, and become even more difficult to clean, will save you tons of TIME! ­­­ It never takes as long as you think, especially if you have a little help from a dishwasher.

  1. Make Your Bed

Not only is this a stress reducing activity but it feels so GOOD to climb into a nicely made bed. It has also been shown that making your bed every day leads to other good habits. Who can argue with that?

  1. Put Everything BACK Where It Belongs

Everything should have a place in your home. This seems obvious, but it is commonly overlooked in the average home. Putting things back can save countless hours of tidying up if you simply put items back as soon as you are done using them!

  1. Wipe Down the Counters Daily

Good bye dirty counter tops and hello clean (looking) home.  Counter tops in the kitchen and bathrooms make up a good percentage of square feet in your home. Simply wiping them down every day will help eliminate buildup and keep the entire home looking fresh! BONUS TIP: Keep an all-purpose cleaner and some old towels or rags under each countertop in the house. It will be easier to stick with this task with the supplies at your fingertips.

  1. Keep Up with the Laundry

Create a system with your household members to cycle all the dirty clothes, towels, linens, etc. to the laundry room or corresponding laundry baskets daily. Most homes can manage on 1 load a day or less. Not allowing the laundry to pile up can save you from a 10-hour laundry day on the weekend.

Every household is different so fine tune these simple and effective tasks to work with your lifestyle. Remember, repetition is key, as it takes about 17 times of repeating something before it becomes a habit.

Share some tricks in the comments below that you use in your home to keep it looking fresh!

8 Essential Spring Cleaning To-do’s

Spring Cleaning To-do's

Woohoo!!! It’s that time of year again! The birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, and the sun is shining in corners you wish would clean themselves.

Spring cleaning is a daunting yet satisfying adventure. Keep the following tips in mind while cleaning up and clearing out:

~REDUCE: Clutter, junk mail, clothes, toys, knick-knacks, or broken things you keep promising you will fix one day. Let’s be real, if you have not used it in the past 6 months then you probably don’t need it. A clutter free home is a clutter free mind. Plus, fewer items in your home means less time spent dusting and more time doing the things you LOVE!

~RECYCLE: Repurpose items in your home that you forgot you had or can be given new life, instead of throwing them out. Do your best to donate all other items to homeless shelters, schools, halfway homes, and other non-for-profit businesses that benefit your community.

~BREAK IT UP: Do not feel like you need to accomplish all of these tasks in one day. Schedule a few out over the next few weeks and truly cherish your hard work. Or if you have children, a spouse, or roomies put them to work and suggest a treat for a job well done!  Maybe everyone can head out for a dinner and a movie after a long day of work. Coming home to a freshly cleaned house is AWESOME!!

Alright then, slap on those laundry day pants and let’s find some Zen in household chores!

  1. Clean out trash cans & bins. This task works best in the yard with a hose, bucket, and soapy sponge or scrub brush.
  2. Wipe down all doors and trim. Specifically, the areas around light switches and door knobs which tend to collect dirt and germs like nobody’s business.*Do not forget the edges or lips on 6-Panel doors or doors with windows.
  3. Change the batteries in all of your smoke detectors & Carbon Monoxide detectors. While you’re at it check to be sure your fire extinguishers have not expired and are easily accessible.
  4. Grab your helper and pull out all the large furniture items such as couches, chairs, tables, dressers, night-stands, shelves, beds, and large area rugs. Vacuum, sweep and scrub away those dust bunnies that have managed to hide away since last spring. Who knows, you may even find those missing earrings from a few months back…..BONUS!!!
  5. Reseal grout lines in showers, windows, and doorway’s. This will help with your energy bill in the winter too!
  6. Detail clean those window sills. Grab your old toothbrush and a hand full of Q-tips for detailed tasks such as this. You may need a vacuum to help lift out the excess dirt and loose debris.
  7. Wash drapes and clean blinds:
    • Drapes/Curtains: Be sure to review your instruction labels for care on all window coverings before washing or dry-cleaning.
    • Wooden blinds: Unfortunately these beautiful window coverings require a bit of time to individually clean each blind by hand with warm soapy water. Your best preventative measure would be to give each blind a quick dust daily!
    • Plastic blinds can be cleaned by removing them from the wall and soaking them in a tub of warm soapy water then gently wiping clean. Hang the blinds back over the window and completely open and extend them to air dry.
  8. Clean out under the kitchen and bathroom sinks. Be sure to throw out any toxic or expired cleaning solutions and replace them with home-made all natural products. You might as well re-organize while you’re down there! (Organizing tips and all natural cleaning supply recipes can be found on our Pinterest Boards!

Of course, if you just can’t find enough time to get these items checked off your list then Call us at 720.924.6513 or Email us at! We would love to take care of all your house cleaning needs!